Wednesday, July 21, 2010

.357 Lover Fan Fiction: When Bob Worked a Day Camp and Lost His Phone

Bob got a job playing for a day camp out in Eastchester. The only bathrooms were porta-johns. On his first day, he played 2 sets backing up a children's singer-songwriter. During an hour break, Bob went to the bathroom.
Brad called while Bob was going number 2. He was asking about an amp he had loaned to Bob that once belonged to the guitar player for Ambrosia. Bob shifted and knocked his hand on the hand sanitizer and dropped his phone into the hole.
Bob looked in there and thought about getting it out but decided against it.
"Fuck it. Hey Brad, if you can hear me, I'll talk to you, later."
It landed on a paperback copy of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone and still had a signal until Bob went again an hour later.

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