Sunday, March 7, 2010

.357 Lover Fan Fiction - Bob Cooks With Cinnamon Sometimes

Brad ate at Bob's again. Bob put cinnamon in Brad's soup and asked him to guess what the secret ingredient was. Brad guessed nutmeg, then saffron and finally sriracha sauce. Bob opened a ginger ale and put it in front of Brad.
"What does this taste like?"
"Ginger ale."
"You haven't even tasted it, yet."
"I know what ginger ale tastes like."
"Drink it."
"I don't eat sugar. Or drink it."
"You're no fun, man."
"You know what's fun?"
"Dr. Mario."
Bob repeated it back, correcting Brad's pronunciation with the "a" sounding similar to the word "match".
"That's good."
So, they played 4 hours of Dr. Mario.
Afterward, Bob went home and made a cinnamon-based ravioli and then had mind sex with one of the girls from the tv show "Friends".

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